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Easy Steps And Tips To Make A Pirate Outfit

Whether you want to dress up like a pirate for Halloween or for international talk like a pirate dayin Australia, it is very easy to make pirate costumes. You can use items from your house to make an excellent costume.

The basics

You will have to decide if you want to be a woman or a man. You will want to be a female pirate if you are a woman and a male pirate if you are a man. However, it is up to you. A lot of female pirate depictions are inappropriate so if you are looking for that, you should consider wearing a male pirate outfit. You should then find a pirate image to guide you in crafting your costume. This will be useful in case there is something fascinating or unusual about the costume of the specific pirate you want to emulate.

Create a top

You can get inspiration from pirate costumes online to create a top. Choose a large white T-shirt in Australia. Your top does not need to be as fancy as a captain if you want to dress as pirate crew. A t-shirt will serve the purpose. A large t-shirt is best because it will give you the rugged sloppiness of a pirate.

Start sculpting

You have been at sea for months. You need to make the costume in Australia appear as you have been through a lot. Cut areas of the t-shirt and give your costume an impression of ruggedness.

Create the pants

Most pirate costumes in Australia are dark so you should consider choosing dark coloured pants for a simple and conservative look. The rest of the costume should do the talking. You shouldn’t worry about your pants making a statement. You can wear a long skirt if you are a woman but remember to wear a petticoat underneath.


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