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Showing posts from February, 2020


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Reasons Why Some Brands In America Fail

Some businesses in California America spend a lot of time and money investing in their Orange County branding but end up failing terribly. One of the common mistakes is hiring the wrong branding company. Another mistake is not offering customers what they expected. Here are additional reasons why some brands fail. Poor product If you launch very low-quality products that were not expected by your customers, you are likely to fail terribly. For example, if you brand yourself as a marketing company and then disappoint clients by not helping them achieve their goals, word will go around that you don’t offer what you promise and your brand will fail. Expanding your brand without sustainable resources If you expand your company faster than the resources you have, you are likely to fail. If you look at a company like Samsung, their phones, fridges and TVs are in demand but their air conditioners and cameras have failed. If you want to invest in branding Orange County ...