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When Is The Right Time To Change Your Marketing Agency

Businesses hire an Orange County marketing agency when they want help. They have tried internal marketing efforts but they are not working anymore or maybe they do not have the capacity or resources to handle marketing. In any case, this kind of arrangement is a show of trust and clients should trust their marketing companies to handle their marketing in an effective, streamlined and profit-generating manner.

Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Marketing companies make mistakes because no marketing company is perfect. But after making a mistake, or after a series of failures, you may think that your marketing company is no longer meeting your needs and that you want to work with a new partner.


Hiring a marketing company is a voluntary and mutual exchange. You and your marketing company have a right to end the contract anytime you want. If you are not satisfied with your marketing company, you are within your rights to get rid of them and hire a new one. However, before you do that, there are some things you need to keep in mind.


Mistakes can be rectified

Man is prone to errors and we all make mistakes. A single mistake, especially a small mistake should not be the reason to fire your marketing company immediately. You should try and talk with your marketing agencies to see if you can rectify your issues.


Marketing is a long-term strategy

You should remember that marketing is a long-term strategy. For example, SEO is a strategy that can take months to years before it starts showing positive results. If your marketing company is not showing results after one week, it is not their fault. It is natural and you should give them some time to see their worth.


The firing should not be a surprise

A marketing company should not feel confused or surprised after they are fired. You should let them know that they have not held up their end of their bargain.


Reasons to fire your existing marketing company

There are a lot of reasons that can make you fire your marketing company. However, firing is not always the most appropriate or the best response. Some examples make sense. Here are some of the reasonable reasons to fire your marketing company.


Repeated failures

If a marketing company makes a mistake several times without correction or improvement, you should terminate the contract as soon as possible before they mess you up further.


Gross incompetence

You have hired a marketing company because they are good at what they do. If they demonstrate incompetence in what they are supposed to have mastered then it is time to part ways.


Brand reputation issues

A marketing company is responsible for improving and promoting the perception of your brand. If they end up causing a public relations nightmare then you should part ways with them and hire a new agency.


Poor communication

You expect your Orange County marketing agency to be a good communicator. Inconsistent or bad communication will worsen your issues and you shouldn’t tolerate poor communication.


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